Monday, November 8, 2010

Drill Weekend

Lee got back from drill last night and we went to the theater to watch Due Date. It is LOL funny. Go see it. Zach Galifianakis cracks my face up.

Also, Lee came home with this:
He is the OCS Platoon Leader for next month. In civilian terms? He is the leader of the pack. He'll be in charge of organizing everything from the way the unit folds their underwear in the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to every head being accounted for when they receive the mass amount of memo requests from the Cadre (person who trains officer candidates) throughout the month. One weekend a month my A$#. However, I am strangely excited for Lee to have this opportunity. In college, he always assumed leadership positions and totally rocked his role every time. It's exciting to finally see how all of these little-time consuming-Cadre-given tasks add up to something of use.

Lee's next drill is obviously in December and offers family visitation! They are hosting a meet and greet Christmas luncheon for spouses. Secretly, I am excited and nervous. This will be my first time to interact with other Army families and meet his Cadre. If you haven't noticed, we're not involved with his assigned unit/branch/etc since Lee has been in training since we started this adventure. Now, what should I wear??? To be cont'd...

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Wear only an American flag.