Thursday, August 11, 2011

count them

Count your blessings. Yesterday, Lee attended the funeral of an unborn baby that a mother miscarried. The baby was the child of another OCS solider in Lee's class. The mother lost the baby while Lee's class was away completing their training recently. I can't imagine being that mother & wife going through a tragedy like that while your hubby is gone. Count your blessings.
Today, Lee attended a funeral of another solider killed in action during deployment. He was a local guy and even trained with Lee briefly during their early phases of OCS. They eventually parted ways as the young man that was killed chose the advance OCS course while Lee chose the extended one. (Advance is completed soon whereas the extended spreads the course out and most of your training is done 1 wknd a month during your normal drill time.)  Anyway, this particular advance class is the class before Lee's graduating class. Lee assisted with the graduation festivities. They haven't been deployed too long. This admirable soldier was killed by an IED. Man. This story hits close too close to home. This all becomes very real today. Ya know? Count your blessings.

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