Friday, December 30, 2011


I had a great visit with FL mom. We dropped her off at the airport this morning. We kept her busy while she was here by taking her to our favorite eats. She and I got a pedicure, took her on a coke date at a campus favorite for fountain drinks, (I got a cherry limeade with Skittles. MY favorite.) and last night we all went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. It was alright. I liked the 2nd half a lot but the 1st half seemed to drag. No?

Did I tell you Cooper got a new bone for Christmas? He devoured it quickly. Seriously. We gave it to him before we went to see a movie and when we came home it was gone. Crazy kid.

And since I'm catching you up, you must know that my 3rd attempt at making the caramel cake was a HUGE success:

Lee and I have chosen to be lazy the rest of the day and then tomorrow we will pack him up. He's leaving for his training on the 1st. And that's all I have to say about that...for right now.

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