Tuesday, October 18, 2011

dining room (update)

As promised, I took a pic of the updated dining room last night since Lee hung the super large framed map. What? Where is the map from? Savannah of course. I bought the map at the marina on our last trip after we finished sailing one day. It only took me forever to get it framed and hung. I really want to get a rug for this room and update the trim I did to THESE curtains. I don't really want to replace the curtains entirely bc then I feel like I would need to do that for the living room too since we have an open floor plan to the living room and these curtains share the same wall as those curtains, no? (Sorry for the poor iphone pic)

I made chicken skettie last night for dinner and then packed leftovers in lunches for Lee and I both. I bet we have a carb crash in a wee bit. He's already called me to say he was running to the store from his office to grab a Monster energy drink.

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