Tuesday, May 29, 2012

weekend deets

Friday,  I took off work early to spend the last of my vacay time with Lee before it renews. Do you know I got home and had to upload my computer to send some emails "that were incredibly urgent" to a customer in UAE? I was a little ticked. Other than that, this long holiday weekend was spent being lazy around the house and it was so nice to spend some much needed time with my hubby.

We tried to test out a new Mexican place for dinner (my fav food ever ever ever) but there was a 70 minute wait! No thanks. We went next door to my current favorite Mexican restaurant. Funny how they're next door to one another.

I woke up to breakfast in bed on our anniversary and a little later we took Cooper for a walk around the corner to Starbucks for a frap. We're kinda addicted to Venti Coffee Frap Lites right now.

It was a great weekend filled with the little things that don't seem as neato on a normal basis. Like getting groceries together, picking out an appetizer to share, walking Coop together, having another hand to fold the laundry...we savored the simple things this past weekend. And kept the phones on silent!

My stomach is a little in my throat this morning. I try not to think about it but Lee will be at pre-mob by the end of the week. I did my best yesterday to get out of my head by getting Lee excited about my excitement about his return home in a year and all we have to look forward to at that time. I'm a work in progress but I'm learning;)

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