Tuesday, August 28, 2012

tick tock sparkle

Ladies and gents this is officially the longest I have gone not hearing from Lee since he got to Afghanistan. And I don't like it.
I did mail my 1st package to Lee on my lunch hour though! I was waiting until he got assigned to a room but heck, maybe by the time the package gets there he'll have a room. I was able to sneak his folder full of cards into his ruck sack before he left but THIS giant picture collage for his wall was a no-go. I shipped THIS picture collage and a pair of boxers I got on sale at Banana. Did I tell you the colonel thinks it'll be fun to have all the guys grow mustaches? Lee isn't thrilled but plans to go along for morale purposes. When I saw these boxers on the cheap, I knew I had to send them with my 1st package. I plan to send fun things like that throughout this deployment.
I found out what APO means! Army Post Office. Duh. Wish I had known prior to waiting until Sunday to mail the package at FedEx. Oh well. We all know now: Packages can only be shipped to Lee through the post office. (Womp. Womp. Womp.) Also, when mailing a letter to Lee, postage is the same as it is here! However, when sending a package you must complete a special form for customs. Oh! AND their $15 First Class box is $2 off for military and you can stuff it with as much as you want and the cost will be the same! Yeehaw!
Since my favorite color is sparkle (don't hate) I put a little on top of my shellac manicure last night for kicks. Ignore my dry fingers!
Oh guys...I hope Lee calls tonight. Every night I stay up super late just in case he gets a chance to call in the mornings his time. Timezones suck. And each night I don't hear from him I get into a horrible funk and think the worse. God bless our Soldiers and please O' please keep them safe.

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